RBLI Charity RAffle
Tommy’s MINI Mission
The RBLI Raffle has ended!
Thank you for supporting Royal British Legion Industries.
The RBLI Raffle to win a brand new MINI is now closed. Please visit www.rbli.co.uk to find other ways to support us and our nation’s heroes.

We are thrilled to be launching our first ever RBLI raffle – Tommy’s MINI Mission. We have kindly been gifted a brand new MINI by our Chairman Stephen Kingsman as the prize to help us raise much needed funds for our Centenary Village development which will help improve the lives of many veterans for years to come
Steve Sherry CMG OBE
RBLI Chief Executive

Vital Funds for Veterans
The funds raised in the raffle will assist RBLI with the new Centenary Village, our ambitious capital project to create high-quality facilities, services and structures necessary to offer another 100 years supporting vulnerable people. This offers more disability-adapted apartments, assisted-living, family homes, extra specialist dementia care, and a new two storey community centre with an IT learning suite and a fully accessible gym.

View more information on responsible gambling.
View our Gambling Commission Licence.
No under 18s allowed to enter – please note underage gambling is an offence. No prizes will be paid to anyone under the age of 18 years.
The Persons responsible for the raffle: Lisa Farmer and Graham Nobbs, Royal British Legion Industries Ltd, Hall Road, Aylesford, Kent, ME20 7NL
Royal British Legion Industries (RBLI) Ltd is a registered charity nos in England and Wales 210063 and also Scotland SC048795. Royal British Legion Industries Ltd is licensed by the Gambling Commission No. 57817, under the Gambling Act 2005, www.gamblingcommission.gov.uk
The draw will take place on 1st April 2022
Find our raffle Terms and Conditions here.
Entry in this raffle costs £1 per chance. Tickets must not be sold to or by any person under 18 years of age. RBLI encourages people to participate in their lotteries responsibly, If you, or someone you know, need information or help with problem gambling, please call the National Gambling Helpline on 0808 8020 133 or visit www.begambleaware.org.
A list of winners will be made available on this page: rbli.co.uk/car-raffle-winners