Royal British Legion Industries (RBLI) has received a positive Ofsted report into its delivery of its skills programmes which span a range of vocations: IT, retail, warehousing, construction, hospitality and catering, customer service, employability, health & social care and functional maths and English courses.
Since November 2017, the charity has been delivering funded skills support and courses across Kent and Sussex, equipping people with the knowledge required to gain access to sustainable and rewarding employment. It is regarded as an independent learning provider by Ofsted.
The Ofsted report published on April 4th states RBLI has made Reasonable Progress in the delivery of its programme with leaders and managers having drawn successfully on the charity’s long tradition of rehabilitating former service personnel to design an adult learning programme to meet the needs of the wider community.
It states RBLI works effectively with partner organisations, particularly Jobcentre Plus, to ensure courses are available across the network of RBLI centres in Kent as well as outreach venues, making them accessible to learners.
Managers are praised for their quick responses to shifting demands in the local labour market, such as in Ashford where courses in customer service were set up to enable Jobcentre Plus clients to apply for new roles in the town’s largest retail park.
The report adds that teachers plan and deliver activities that enable the great majority of learners to develop skills and behaviours that prepare them well for employment and that learners grow in personal confidence and become more practiced at communicating and working together as members of teams.
Course delivers are praised for knowing their learners well, enabling them to adapt their teaching strategies to accommodate the needs of different learners.
Welcoming the findings, Andy Milton, Director of RBLI’s Employment Solutions, said: “The report paints an encouraging picture of the delivery of our skills programmes while giving us incentive to further improve our performance, as we always seek to do.
We are especially pleased it highlights the work our managers and teachers do to ensure the right courses are being delivered in the right way and in the right places to help our learners develop the skills they need to successfully apply for jobs local to them.”
Maria’s story
Maria, who faces daily challenges due to dyslexia, took part in one of RBLI’s English programmes in February of this year.
Beforehand, it was clear she was very low in self-esteem and confidence however; wanted to participate in the course but gave the overall impression that she didn’t believe in her own abilities.
However, following the support of RBLI, Maria was given the good news that she had passed the qualification.
She was totally overwhelmed with this news, and through her tears of happiness she said that she had never fully completed any course and previously dropped out of any she had been put on.
Maria went on to sign up for a further Skills course, knowing that she will again be supported to continue to reach her fullest potential.