Marketing Request Form

What do you need?

Please specify your requirements
Graphic Design: e.g. A4 poster, A5 double sided leaflet, visitor sign, business cards, map, merchandise.
Website/Digital Advertising e.g. landing page, website amends/form creation, analysis/reporting, facebook ads.
Social Media/Content: e.g. social media posts/plan, photography, graphic creation, video creation, proof.
PR/Press: e.g. press release, case study, interview, briefing.

Who is your target audience

Think about who you want to reach and engage.

What are your key messages?

Consider what you want to achieve when thinking about any key messages or calls to action.

Requested Deadline

Is there a fixed deadline for an event or tour? Does anything need to be printed? Please consider support you need before, during and post event. Allow extra time for printing and delivery
Please supply as much detail as you can in an e-mail to the marketing team and consider the following.
size, headings, copy, images, web links, logos, partnerships, social tags

The team will not be able to commence work on any task until we have received your completed digital request form in addition to all information we need to complete the project.
If you are having trouble completing the form and require a discussion with the marketing team, please contact us on [email protected] and we can arrange to discuss your needs further.

It is worth noting that photographs will now only be taken by the marketing team if there is a marketing need for the photos, such as a social media post, press release, etc. Otherwise, if photos are needed, the person who needs the images will be required to arrange these themselves.

In the case of support for events, meetings or exhibitions, please inform the marketing team of the date at time of booking. Failure to give enough notice could lead to your request being delayed depending on other scheduled activity